Friday, June 1, 2018

THOMMEN AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT AG- World-Leading Manufacturer of Aircraft Equipment

Commitment for Quality
THOMMEN AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Ltd. is a world-leading manufacturer of Mission Equipment, Displays, Air Data Displays and Air Data Computers, Digital Clocks and Chronographs for Helicopters, Fixed Wing Aircraft & UAV.
Aircraft Equipment by Thommen

THOMMEN also offers superior aviation qualified Flashlights. The entire product line serves both the OEM production of new aircraft as well as the retrofit market for existing fleets.
As a certified manufacturer and MRO provider, THOMMEN newly supplies interior lighting and unique protection bags used to deal with lithium-ion battery fires in electronic equipment.
Approvals & Certifications
THOMMEN maintains the following quality Approvals and Certifications and our equipment and systems are manufactured according to the EASA Part-21G (POA) – Production Organisation Approval Certificate, the EASA Part-145 Maintenance Organisation Approval Certificate, 

the EASA Part-21 ADOA Design Organisation Approval – the ETSO / TSO (ETSO-C2d, ETSO-C10b, ETSO-C46a, ETSO-C88a, ETSO-C95, ETSO-C106) Authorization and the EN 9100:2009 / AS 9100 Rev. C – Quality Management System Aviation Certificate.
Long-Term Success
THOMMEN has been supplying the global aircraft industry with Swiss Quality aircraft instruments and aircraft equipment for civil and military applications since its proud origin back in 1915.

We have the ultimate solution for you, as we have determined to go niche many years ago. Our selected products are tailored to meet your specific and unique cockpit and fleet expectations and our customers place their trust in us. Since more than a hundred years.
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